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Friday, October 10, 2014

15 Signs You Are A Television Addict!!!!

What is a television addiction?.....Someone with a compulsion to watch TV. Television addiction is not a diagnosable condition but it is however recognized as a major problems that people face.
 Studies have shown that 65-70% of Americans believe television is addictive but research has yet to define parameters for 'normal' vs 'problem' television viewing.

We watch it everywhere. At home, on your phone, computers, on the train, at the airport and most public places. The truth is some of us are so addicted to television that we do not even know how far gone we are or better yet, we are in denial......So to those of you who do not know whether or not you are, let me to break down the signs to you....

1). You can often be found like this

day animated GIF

2). You have a special little dance you do right before a new episode of your favorite show

supernatural animated GIF

3). You watch everything you can. So when you get a new show to binge watch, this is your exact state of mind

Orange is the New Black animated GIF

4). You're on Netflix so often, you don't even notice their weird categories any more

netflix animated GIF

5). You love TV so much, you find yourself sharing what you are watching so often

parks and recreation animated GIF

6). When your friends ask if you think you watch too much TV, this is your response

nope animated GIF

7). Nothing is more terrifying than the idea of your TV or computer not working during show time

netflix animated GIF

8). You don't know what to do with yourself when you don't have something to watch

You know, that brief period of the year where NOTHING seems to be new on TV. Re-run central is hell. You've seen the same episode of your Criminal Minds 15 times but you're not going to just turn your TV off...lol

time animated GIF

9).You've been caught hiding at a  party watching TV alone

one direction animated GIF

10). Date night with your boyfriend/girlfriend are spent exactly like this.
Them---bored stiff. You---enraptured!

bored animated GIF

11). Anytime a family member says "What should we do?" you suggest TV

laughing animated GIF

12). You've found that after all your time watching TV, you're up for watching anything, at least once.
You have a serious love/hate relationship with commercials....

watching animated GIF

13). When someone tries to talk when your show is on, you're known to scream

shut up animated GIF

14). You might have realized you have a bit of a problem

the big bang theory animated GIF

15). But it's too late now for you to fix it, so you plan on spending the rest of your life like this

Description : funny simpsons gif,funny bones story resources,funny ...

So now, are you a total TV addict or not. Sound of below.....

Credit ~ Hollywood.com

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