The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, an American initiative to raise awareness as well as money to fight Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).......... a medical condition that makes the victims lose ability to initiate and control all voluntary movements including speaking, swallowing and breathing, has been trending on the social media and many Nigerian celebrities, home and abroad have taking part in it....Genevieve Nnaji, Davido, Iyanya, P-Square's Peter Okoye, Don Jazzy etc, but there is one Nigerian who is not at all impressed, he is Nollywood's movie producer & industry critic, Charles Novia. He took to twitter to tell it like he sees it, calling their action a clear case of "inferiority complex". Check-out more tweets after the jump!!!
I see where Mr Novia is coming from and i totally agree with him. It's okay to raise money for others but how much money have we raised to find the over 200 missing Chibok girls? How about raising money to curb the spread of Ebola that has the power to wipe out our Nation? How about making "hand washing" cool just to stop the spread...#ShowMeHowToWashMyHandChallenge would be a good place to start.....Just saying!
Quite frankly, there are so many causes we can raise money and awareness for in Nigeria and Africa in general. We have one of the highest rates of maternal death.....Can we raise money to help provide well equipped ambulances to get our pregnant women to the hospital when they are in labour?
Why can't we come up with something original? Why are we such "Copy-Cats?" Instead of joining Americans in wasting that much water, maybe we can raise money to help provide clean water to the inner cities in Africa where folks have to travel miles just to get a gallon of dirty brown water....#HowAboutThat!
The American celebrities knows how to give back to the society that made them but our Nigerian celebrities on the other hand knows how to show-off and instead of giving back they want to go and give to the American organization just to show that they "belong".....like they know what's up, when in reality some of them don't even know what the acronyms ALS stands for. What Mr. Novia and many other Nigerians are saying, is that our priorities are in the wrong place and it's time to get it together. We've get to get rid of our "follow-follow" mentality. Like one of my fabulous blog readers will say..."Naija with their orisirisi osisko Nigerian limited"( Sorry Fehintola Thomas, i just had to borrow that! ). Kudos to Mr. Novia for once again telling it like it is.....May God help us!!!
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