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Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Whitney Houston's Rumored Lesbian Lover Finally Confirms Romance: 'I Loved Her'

Robyn Crawford Confirms Same-Sex Romance With Whitney Houston

Oh dear! So, Whitney's friend and personal assistant, Robin Crawford finally breaks her silence on their same sex relationship in a new tell all book....Ughrrrrr! Let her rest guys....LET HER REST.
In her upcoming memoir, "A Song For You: My life with Whitney Houston, the 58 year old opens up about her lifelong friendship with the Queen of Pop. According to her, all they ever wanted was to be together..........."We wanted to be together, and that meant just us" Crawford writes

The two met when Crawford was 19 and Houston was 17. and they immediately became inseparable. Recalling their first time, Crawford wrote...."One day Whitney and I were spending time together and she whispered 'We are spending the night at Larrys'. At the apartment, we took off our clothes and for the first time, we touched each other. Caressing her and loving her felt like a dream". she writes.
See more after the jump!!!

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"We didn't share what happened that night with anyone. I wasn't ready to give up our intimacy either, though I understood how hard it could be in the music business". Still, when Whitney signed up a music deal with music mogul, Clive Davis at Arista in 1982, she told Crawford their physical relationship had to end. She even gifted her friend a bible.

"She said we couldn't be physical anymore because it would make our journey even more difficult and living that kind of life would mean we would go to hell" she writes.

Crawford said goes on to say that Houston was concerned about people finding out and using it against them. She also said that despite the fact that they ended their physical relationship, she still had passionate romantic feelings for Houston, and stayed by her side throughout her relationship with men and her marriage to R&B singer, Bobby Brown.

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Whitney and husband, Bobby Brown, Houston's mom, Cissy Houston and Robin Crawford

Sadly, overcome by incessant drug use, Houston died in 2012 at the age of 48. Crawoford recalled how heartbroken she was when Whitney married Bobby Brown and also when she found out that their marriage had gotten abusive. She went on to say that in 1993, right after Bobby Kristina, Houston's daughter was born, the singer continued her drug use and fell into a even darker downward spiral. Crawford tried to get her help but when Houston refused to get help, Crawford quit her job and cut ties with the music icon. Though they still spoke once in a while, their friendship was never the same. Crawford was having dinner on February, 11th of 2012 when she heard of Whitney's death..."I felt my inside shattering"...she writes.

Crawford who now leaves with her partner, Lisa Hintlemann says the reason for this book is to "stand up and share the woman behind the incredible talent"

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"I wanted to lift her legacy, give her respect and share the story of who she was before the fame, and in that, to embrace our friendship"

My question is why now?...….Go Figure!
Whitney is no longer here, she kept it a secret for a reason. Why expose this now...…...Sounds like a betrayal to me. I wouldn't do that to a friend that I claim to love. Granted, everyone has a right to live and speak their truth, you should have spoken your truth while she was alive and give her the opportunity to respond. And besides this happened way back in the 80's and didn't she eventually distanced herself from you? Girl bye...…..(Bye Felicia)!!!

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