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Sunday, September 24, 2017

Shots Fired! Donald Trump In A Twitter War Of Words With Steph Curry And LeBron James And It’s Getting Ugly Fast!!!

Image result for Trump Vs Lebron James

King Lebron James slam-dunk on President Donald Trump......

You know you’ve messed up big time when you disrupt the entertainment of sports rivalry and competition so much so, that players on opposing teams stand up for one another...lol
How did we end up with a man in the highest office of our country whose behavior on Twitter resembles that of a 15-year old who just got his first public account? Whether or not you agree with his policies, President Trump is our global representative, but the question is 'how does he make us look?'.....Not good, if you ask me!

See more after the jump!!!

NBA player, Stephen Curry honestly made it clear that he will not be going to the White House following a championship win.....He wasn’t interested...Period!
You would think the way forward here would have been to invite the team anyway and be the bigger person, right? Oh no, not our president! He just had to basically throw the table back, screaming like a little kid, “FINE! BE THAT WAY!?”....what a shame!

It all started when Trump took to Twitter on Saturday morning to un-invite (even though they weren't actually very formally invited) the Golden State Warriors from visiting the White House to commemorate the championship. Trump, specifically mentioned Stephen Curry's reluctance to go to the White House....
"Going to the White House is considered a great honor for a championship team. Stephen Curry is hesitating, therefore invitation is withdrawn" Trump tweeted

Image result for Trump's tweet about Stephen Curry

Less than 3-hours later, Lebron James took to twitter and hit back. Defending his fellow basket-baller, King James wrote...
 "U bum" and added "going to White House was a great honor until you showed up"   (Ouch!)

Image result for Lebron James's response to Trump's tweet about Stephen Curry

James, whose Cleveland Cavaliers lost to the Warriors in the NBA finials, was a vocal supporter of Democratic presidential nominee, Hilary Clinton and visited the White House during President Barack Obama's tenure

Let the "U bum" memes begin...lol

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