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Saturday, September 20, 2014

"I Don't Bleach, What I Have Is Sun Burn"....Ayo Adesanya

Nollywood actress Ayo desanya wants us to know that contrary to popular believe, she is not bleaching her skin....Hmmm!
The actress while speaking with Saturday Punch stated that she is dealing with sun burn and not really bleaching her skin....Ok o!

More after the jump!!!

"No, I do not bleach my skin. When you see somebody that bleaches you will know. I have sun burn and it's not a hidden thing. I have tried a lot of things to make it fade away but it has refused and i have come to terms with it. I would never bleach my skin. A lot of people get confused about it but I don't get bothered. I don't owe anybody an explanation, but when you meet me in person, you can always make up your mind"

On what she thinks about bleaching the actress said.....

"Some people are naturally fair and the weather in Nigeria is very terrible, It is just recently that we have been experiencing cool weather. The sun is usually very hot and it's bad for the skin. For someone like me,  a lot of people are usually confused when they see my picture. They are quick to assume things and they do not know me personally. When you see people in pictures, don't be quick to judge, do you know how many lights are focused on the person while taking the picture? Because of the weather in this country, there are some lotions people use to enhance their skin and make it softer. There are some lotions that are not harmful but people have some misconception. The weather is very bad and it can affect one's skin if care is not taken. I have friends that are fair in complexion and I know what they go through to maintain their complexion. If you do not maintain it, it would appear as if your skin is dirty. I don't believe people should bleach personally" 

Really? Notice how many times she said "The weather is very bad"......Wow! that bad? Ever heard of sunscreen?,,,#JustAsking!

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