Here is an interesting story about a big tall guy who jogs regularly on week days in Lekki, Lagos....
There is nothing wrong in jogging, it is a real good fitness exercise...I do it too, but when you are doing it on a major road with police escorts, security vehicles driving behind at your jogging pace, thereby causing the traffic to build will definitely attract some media attention. And that's exactly why this is an interesting piece.
Well, it turns out that the person in question is the CEO of Dilly motors, Mr. Okwudili Umenyiora. Another citizen that is just plainly above the law.....
Like I said before he does this in the afternoon on week days, so good luck to every road user who might need to drive that route around the the same time 'oga' CEO hits the road.........smhew!!!
This so wrong on all levels, and it can only happen in Nigeria......
Orisirisi osisko nigeria limited. Nija & effizeee. Na wa o. Even Obama do not block streets in the morning jog